Opening New Chapter | Youweixin UV LED Industrial Base Project Phase I: Golden Summit!

Company News · 2023-09-13 16:57:21

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On August 18th, the top sealing ceremony of the main building of the first phase of the Youweixin UV LED Industrial Base project was successfully held. Many guests, including Huang Weidong, Deputy Director of the Management Committee of Gedian Development Zone in Ezhou City, Chen Changqing, Chairman of the Company, members of shareholders and investors, customer representatives, alumni of Wuhan University/Huake, industry partners, and employee representatives, attended the event to celebrate the auspicious top sealing and witness this joyful moment together!




The Youweixin UV LED Industrial Base Project has a total investment of 500 million yuan in Phase I, covering an area of 50 acres and a building area of 47000 square meters. Mainly engaged in the construction of UV LED industry chips, UV LED device packaging, and UV LED modules. After the project is completed and put into operation, it can achieve an annual production capacity of 100000 chips for chip lines, 225KK for device packaging, and 60KK for curing modules.

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Firstly, Zeng Lijun, the assistant to the company chairman, announced the official start of the capping ceremony.


At the beginning of the event, Chen Changqing, Chairman of Youweixin, delivered a welcoming speech, welcoming all guests who attended the capping ceremony, and expressing sincere gratitude to leaders at all levels, friends from all walks of life, collaborative units, and all employees who strongly supported and cared about the Youweixin UV industrial base project. Chen Changqing, Chairman of Youweixin, stated that capping is only the first step in the progress of the project, and there is still a lot of work to be done in the future. We also hope that everyone can continue to work together, pay attention to safety, and make the project a high-quality project that satisfies the owners and reassures the government.

In the future, Youweixin will continue to increase investment in technology research and development, build a moat of long-term competitive advantage, and comply with the trend of national strategies such as Made in China and Healthy China, committed to becoming the best supplier of third-generation semiconductor chips and application solutions.


Huang Weidong, Deputy Director of the Management Committee of Gedian Economic Development Zone, warmly congratulated and delivered an important speech on the sealing of the main building of the first phase of the Youweixin UV LED Industrial Base project.


The guests present expressed warm wishes and delivered speeches to Youweixin.


Shareholder representative: Mr. Han of Hetang Fund


Strategic partner: Mr. Nie, Huagong Gaoli


Professor Chen Dunjun from Nanjing University


Friend representative: Mr. Bian, Eagle Semiconductor


Partner: General Manager of Ruike Laser


Employee representative: Sales champion Zeng Xianyang

A golden shovel fills the earth with wealth, and a thousand grains of sand bring good luck. In the presence of everyone, Chairman Chen Changqing led everyone to move forward and add the fullest shovel of soil to the top of the project. Salute cannons thundered, colorful flowers flew, and applause thundered; The ceremony reached its climax when the shovel was waved and the gold spades were opened together.



Honor capped, dream building ahead, capped is an important milestone and a new starting point.

I believe that with the joint efforts of everyone, the Youweixin UV LED industry base project will be put into use as scheduled, contributing to the quality development of third-generation semiconductors.