Cai Yongsheng, Secretary of the Shishi Municipal Party Committee, and his delegation conducted research on Youweixin Technology

Company News · 2023-08-07 09:14:20

On the morning of July 13th, the Secretary of the Shishi Municipal Party Committee, Cai Yongsheng, and his delegation visited Youweixin for research and guidance. The company's Chairman, Chen Changqing, and General Manager, Wang Yongzhong, accompanied them to visit and exchange ideas.

Secretary Cai Yongsheng and his delegation visited the Youweixin exhibition hall and gained a detailed understanding of the company's development history, core product research and application. After listening to the report, Secretary Cai Yongsheng highly praised the products and application directions of Youwei Core.

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Subsequently, both parties had a discussion in the conference room, and Chairman Chen Changqing expressed sincere welcome to Secretary Cai Yongsheng and his delegation. Both sides exchanged a series of opinions on promoting industrial interaction, linkage, and coordinated development, and looked forward to the integration of Youweixin related products with the advantageous industries in Shishi City.

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With excellent product performance and leading technological capabilities, Youweixin has become a leading enterprise in the field of ultraviolet LED. In the future, Youweixin will continue to adhere to independent innovation, continuously improve its core competitiveness, and contribute to the vigorous development of China's semiconductor industry!